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Pet Furniture

FOREMAN® pet products are highly durable and resistant to scratches, ensuring longevity even with regular use by pets. This durability makes them suitable for outdoor furniture, as they can withstand various weather conditions without deteriorating. FOREMAN® pet products are non-toxic and easy to clean, promoting a safe and hygienic environment for pets. The smooth surface discourages the buildup of dirt and bacteria, reducing the risk of infections. Phenolic or plastic materials are lightweight yet sturdy, making it easy to move and rearrange  as needed. 

Dog bed - Model: Premium

Dog bed - Model: Premium

Cat Condo

Cat Condo

FOREMAN® Locker Systems Cat Condo
07 August 2023

Elevate Pet Stores and Pet Hotels with FOREMAN® Locker Systems Cat Condos

Pet Furniture
Pet stores and pet hotels play a crucial role in the lives of pet owners and their beloved companions. These establishments provide a range of services and products to cater to the needs of pets, ensu...